Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ICU Version 2.0 - A Sneaky Look

This is a bit of an exclusive sneaky look at version 2 of ICU. As well as the usual roll-up of bug fixes from the last six months the "thing" that makes this version 2 is some major new functionality. Welcome to the wonderful world of rolling activity:-

This new monitoring allows a constant capture of the last weeks activity of any users you select. This activity can then be played back as a slide show. Think of it is a motion capture of that users activity.

I've been testing this for nearly 7 months now can hand on heart report that it works fantastically. It's a great addition to the standard monitoring of ICU and gives you the ability to really double check. For example where you see something "iffy" on an ICU e-mail report it is then very simple to go back and check the rolling footage from around that time to see exactly what has and hasn't happened. It's an added step in clearing up any misunderstandings. The reason it's called rolling activity because it only retains the last week, I'm still very aware of the whole privacy issue and wouldn't want anything keeping longer than is really necessary.

I don't really like deadlines but all being well ICU version 2 will be available for free download by the end of October. If you are interesting in child monitoring software then I'd suggest you subscribe to my RSS feed, that way you'll know just as soon as I have it finished and available.